of The Indian Golf Union
The Indian Golf Union is the apex body of golf in the country and is responsible for the promotion and development of golf in India. Starting with only six golf clubs at the beginning, we boast of 194 golf clubs and many more under planning. Some senior golfers in Calcutta took the initiative and with the support of golfers in Delhi, Mumbai and Madras formed the IGUn 20 Dec 1955. The object for which the Union was established were mainly to promote the game of golf in India and the maintenance in every way possible of high standards of the game. Until then and for many years since the inception in 1829 of the second oldest golf course in the world outside of UK, Royal Calcutta Golf club was virtually managing the affairs of golf in India. RCGC instituted and started which became a prestigious Trophy “All India” in 1892 and the East India there after. Senior members of RCGC realized that for the growth of Indian Golf, more tournaments in all the main centers were needed apart from developing junior programs and sending teams abroad for the International Events.
This gave rise to the idea of forming the IGU. In spite of the permanency, which the club enjoyed, it agreed to the foundation of the Union and to the handing over of whatever powers it might have yielded until then, including the privilege of conducting the Amateur Golf Championship of India which had been inaugurated by the club and also donated the trophy.
“Mr AD Vickers was the first President of the IGU who worked untiringly to bring the Union into being and who was mainly responsible for the preparation of the Rules and regulations of the IGU.Major LB Hirst, who was the Secretary of the Royal Calcutta Golf Club, became the first Secretary of IGU. In 1957 it was agreed to appoint an Honorary Secretary and Mr PR Surita became the first Honorary Secretary of IGU.”
In 1957 a training scheme for Assistant Professional and Caddies form all over the country under George Willard, the then Pro at the Royal Calcutta Golf Club was instituted and the trainees were given a thorough grounding in teaching golf and in the art of club making and repairs. Another significant move was the inauguration of Inter Zonal championship for which a trophy was instituted by the legendary golfer of India Mr IS Malik. In 1958 was another significant move when the All India Amateur championship was held at Delhi Golf club for the first time out side of Calcutta where it was held from 1892.